"C" Stands for Cleaning

In Palau our team wanted to serve in practical ways in addition to the other ministries we fulfilled. Our work at the various churches and at the Gospel Kindergarten allowed us to "get dirty" by serving the church people and getting to know them as they worked with us. They blessed us even more by their wonderful hospitality, which always included copious amounts of food.

Every day the team rotated in fulfilling certain cleaning tasks at the Gospel Kindergarten where we stayed. Everly joyfully took his turn in cleaning the men's bathroom.

Our first physical work assignment took place at the Koror Church where the Gospel Days Celebration would be held. The church leaders asked us to help remove of a massive tree stump. After we worked for an hour or so, Leeman scratched his head and asked, "Why won't this thing come out?"

Stella showed her prowess for painting benches in the balcony at the Koror Evangelical Church.

On another day the mowers and rakers worked very hard in Ngchesar.

Amelia and Joel help to wash the windows at the church in Ngchesar.

Moni holds the ladder as Manuel climbs down from the Ngaraard Church roof after painting it.

Elilia, Tanja and Percia enjoyed a peaceful moment after a hard day's work.

Amelia, Marisol and Joel rested after a hot day of work at the Ngaraard Church. They took a siesta at the deacon's house.

One night Hedrick, the newly ordained pastor of the Palauan Evangelical Church, "cleaned" a 100-pound fish that someone donated. We ate part of it for lunch the next day. Thanks for your servant's heart, Hedrick.

One our last day Jonathan and Nico helped wash and hose down our living area. (They worked so hard that the picture turned out blurry!) We didn't want to leave a mess behind us when we left.

Mac and Sarah washed down the coolers and the walkway outside of the dorm rooms.


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