Radio Punto

One of my jobs here in Ecuador is helping to supervise Liebenzell USA's radio station in Ibarra. I have been hosting a morning radio show called "Good Morning, Ibarra" with Christian music, Focus on the Family commentary, and personal reflections and Bible passages. I hope to produce a children's program on Saturday morning in time. Doing this show has certainly stretched me into regaining my proficiency with Spanish, which is a bit rusty after seven years away.

We had our first Radio Punto staff meeting on October 5. Unfortunately not everyone was able to attend. Seeing the passion that the volunteers have for reaching their own people with the gospel through radio ministry really touched me. The Quichua (native Ecuadorian language, stemming from the Incas) ministry operates at four-and-a-half hours a day.

Please pray for the ministry of Radio Punto, 1130 AM, here in Ibarra, Ecuador.


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