New President

Yes, I know: old news. I must admit I got up at 2:30 am to watch the inauguration of Mr. Obama. In general, the ceremony was moving, and Aretha Franklin set a fashion trend by wearing a new hat design while she sang "My Country, Tis of Thee." I did not really care for the poem that was recited. Not exactly my style. John G. Roberts, Jr. botched the swearing in oath, throwing off the new president along the way. I always enjoy watching the former presidents hob knobbing with everyone. Mrs. Obama wore a snazzy yellow dress, and it was fun to watch the new presidential daughters (Malia and Sasha) entertain themselves throughout the ceremony. It certainly was an historic day.
We often receive anti-Obama emails. I realize that Mr. Obama was not the first choice of some people , but I would encourage you to remember one thing: we accomplish little when we complain and we accomplish much when we pray. He is our president, and we have a responsibility to support him in prayer.


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