PA Group--Day 5

On day 5 we went to present a program at a local Catholic high school.

Started out with games.

Then a skit.

About love and romance.

Yan Carlos shared the real meaning of life: a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Frank ended with a closing pray that gave opportunity for spiritual decisions.

 On the way back to church we ran into this procession for Saint John's Day.  Notice the special hats that the men wear to do their little trot.

Back at the church the construction team was hard at work.  See Landon in action.

And Courtney.  You go, girl!!!!

 The progress from a distance.  The second floor in the middle section is the construction site for the team to work on.

Never resting: faithful Ramón. . .

. . .and Carlos.

 At night men's and women's meetings, but first, a joint worship time led by the team and the Cotacachi musicians.

The men shared testimonies. . .

. . .around a bonfire.

Here I am with Pastor Tony and Cotacachi friends Lenin, Cintthya and Camila.

Tony tries out the San Juan hat that he found while Frank and Danny look on.

Another busy day.  Tune in later for Day 6, and thanks for reading.


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