PA Group--Day 2

The main event of day 2 was the Walk Through the Old Testament.  Here the group is getting ready to take care of the children of the participants.

Pastor Tony Pérez taught the class as a certified instructor of Walk through the Bible Ministries.

The old standby: Duck Duck Goose!!!!

Joel enthusiastically participated.

Marisol was there for part of the seminar.

Joel, Amelia and team member Michelle outside.

Team members Michelle and Tori entertain Elias.

Joel's group reviewed the hand motions at the end of the seminar.

Then the group played volleyball outside with members of the church.

Joel and Amelia accompanied the group to the Otavalo craft market in the afternoon and then we shared dinner together with them at a local restaurant.

Stay tuned for Day 3.  Coming soon to a blog near you!!!!


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