Getting Ready for Group from PA

Outside the Amigos en Cristo Church in Cotacachi, Ecuador, Amelia helps take care of Jacob and Elias while we work inside helping to make the preparations for the arrival of 22 people from the Reading, Pennsylvania, missions team from Exeter Bible Church and Iglesia Bautista Betania. 

Surley from the Amigos en Cristo church helps to make the beds for the men upstairs.

Maruja also helps.

So do Vilma and her daughter Daniela.

Jacob wants to climb in bed.

Here is one of the women's rooms ready to go downstairs.

Tired of waiting inside, Jacob and Joel head outside to play.

Elias too.

And Amelia.

Here is a picture of the second floor of the church where the construction team would be working during their week here.

More pictures and trip details to follow in the coming days!  Thanks for your patience.


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