Our Beautiful Surroundings

We have beautiful volcanic mountains surrounding us on all sides.  This first one is Imbabura, the province whih we live in bears its name.

Imbabura has an an approximate height of 15,091 feet above sea level.

I climbed to the top one time back in 2004.

We can also see the volcano Cotacachi from our house.  Altitude 16,220 feet above sea level.

Here are some different shots of Cotacachi.

Here you can see the mount as taken from the Monument to the Sun in the city of Cotacachi, where the Amigos en Cristo Church is located.

Taken through the monument itself.

Lastly, this is a view of the volcano Cayambe taken from the newest park in Ibarra.

 Beautifully snow-covered year round, it stands at 18,996 feet above sea level.


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