VBS Week 1 Day 1

Recently as a family we participated in 3 Vacation Bible Schools in Cotacachi and the surrounding communities.  I will share some photos as I get around to it (famous last words, I know).  The theme was the

Day 1, Amelia and Joel helped set up for the games with Alfonso, games leader.

Amelia helped with registration.

Joel helped with the twins.  So did Amelia.

Here are some children waiting for the program to start.

Everything started with songtime.

The first day's Bible story was. . .you guessed it. . .Zacchaeus.

Here are the actors from the skit performing the Zacchaeus song.  Although I played Jesus, I skipped the song because I did not know the words by heart.  Oops!

Alfonso gave an evangelistic message following the Bible story time.

The first day ended with refreshments, something that the kids (and the helpers) always look forward to.


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