Saying Good-bye Is Hard to Do

In early June we said good-bye to Morgan, our home school volunteer for 2014-2015.  She became a member of the family while she was here.

On her last day here we went to the Condor Park.  That was fun.

Then in July we bid adieu to the other home school volunteers: Judith, Lo and Jana.

We had a nice visit with the Erndwein family, our missionary colleagues who work with the Quichua people, before they headed to Germany for their furlough.  Judith was their home school helper for the year.

We had the Impact team from Germany to our house for prayer and dinner.  They left in early August.

Marisol's cousin Héctor and family recently left for Kansas City, MO.  They visited us two times before leaving.

This is Anna, Katha, Simone, Katrin and Luca from the Impact team at their farewell gathering.

Amelia and Joel with Marisol's cousins Steffi and Salomé.

Elías and Jacob joining the picture.

Marisol's uncle Héctor and wife Anabel with us, even Elías made the picture.

Although good-byes are not our favorite part of missionary life, we are glad that "friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them."  AMEN and AMEN!


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