Closing School Program 2015-2016

Now that we're starting a new school year, it is time to report on the end of the last school year.  HA!  In late May we held a closing program with our three home school helpers:  Morgan who came from PA to help us teach school last year and two members of the German Impact team: Katha and Luca.  Missing from the picture is Christian who had left for Germany earlier.

We started with the Ecuadorian and U.S National Anthems.  Elías and Jacob helped to wave the flags.

Then Amelia recited a poem.

Joel presented a book report about former LMUSA Juanita Simpson's autobiography Walking the Waves.  Juanita's husband was lost at sea during their years of missionary service in Palua, Micronesia.  We visited Palau during our years at PIU in Guam.  Then we stayed with Juanita and her son and family when we visited Hawaii en route to PA following our four years in Guam.  We consider her dear friend; she currently resides in FL.

Jacob wanted to tell a Bible story as part of the program.

Then each volunteer shared a few words, Morgan first.

Then Katha.

Finally Luca.

Then the obligatory group photo.  We thank God for our good home school helpers.

Our niece Lauren will come on Monday to help us during this next school year.  Please pray for her safety in traveling and for a good adjustment for her.  Thank you.


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