Missing Robin Williams

So sorry to hear of Robin Williams' death this past week, particularly the manner in which he died without  hope.  I saw Robin Williams on the street in New York once.  He was there appearing in "Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo".  I waved to him and said hi, and he said hi back, which was cool.

My favorite Robin Williams' movie was "Dead Poets Society."  When it came out in 1989, I was living in Mexico and went to see it 3 or 4 times, taking different people with me each time.  The "seize the day" concept featured in that movie is one that we as Christians should embrace with a spiritual focus, as Ephesians 5:16 says, "redeeming the time, because the days are evil."  Time is short, and we must make the most of every moment to be salt and light to others.

I also enjoyed "Good Will Hunting," for which Williams won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 1997.  However, the swearing in that movie is excessive.  For that reason I prefer "Dead Poet's Society."

I will miss his future movies, as will countless others.


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