Closing Program CCBQ

On July 12 I was honored to take part in the closing program of the Centro de Capacitación Bíblica Quichua (CCBQ) in Chirihuasi.  The CCBQ is the Quichua language branch of the CCB where I teach in Ibarra every Thursday evening.  It is a Bible institute for lay leaders of the churches in Ibarra.

The evening began with some wonderful singing in Quichua, one of the Native Ecuadorian languages.  Chirihuasi is an indigenous community up in the mountains surrounding Ibarra.

I shared about the importance of studying the Bible, using my own personal journey as a backdrop.

They even allowed me the privilege of handing out some of the certificates and diplomas to the students.

The CCB and CCBQ will begin again in September after the summer recess.  May God continue to use this ministry in the lives of the students who participate.

I will teach Apologetics and Minor Prophets next year.


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