Adiós, Impactos 2013-2014

In July we spent a very pleasant evening with the 2013-14 Germany Impact team.  Here Stefan read a book to Elías.

Then we enjoyed time around the table eating BBQ chicken and brownies.

The twins emptied a bookshelf and handed the books over to Kati.  Doesn't she look like a librarian?

The customary group photo with the Farnsworth clan.

Then, on August 3, in the morning we bid farewell to the team at the Amigos en Cristo church in Cotaachi.

That afternoon there was another farewell party, at the Center of Liebenzell Mission of Ecuador, in Ibarra.

Games and entertainment filled the space of time.

The Impact team members graced us with a song.

Becky and Marisol

Emilia played with Jacob.

Kati and Hugo chatted.

Elias showed Cely the table decoration that he was playing with.

We will miss Tamara, Stefan, Melissa, Becky, Jonny, Marcel, Conny, and Kati.  God bless you as you readjust to life back in Germany.  Thanks for your time here with us.


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