Our "Japanese" Hosts

During our recent trip to Japan we had such a nice time with my friends from Houghton College, John and Susan, and their children David, Joshua and Esther. They work with Send International in Japan and are due for their home assignment in the States soon. So it was now or never for us to visit them. Glad it was now (then--we've been back two weeks). Joel and Amelia bonded with them very quickly.

Our kids enjoyed meeting Esther, too.

We attended the English Bible study which John and Susan facillitated every Wednesday morning at their church. John devised a set of simple questions to accompany the text, and then the class answered questions and talked about their application. The Christians in the class ministered to the non-Christians, which really excited me. It's wonderful to see people in ministry settings reaching out to others. To me that's what mission is; it's called the multiplication model rather than simple addition when the missionary is the only one ministering. John and Susan made it look so easy, too. I was impressed.

During our college days John and I ran cross country and worked in the Bible memory association (Swordbearers) together.

They had us over for dinner two times. David showed Amelia and Joel their guinea pig, Chancho. We told them that in Ecuador guinea pigs are not pets, but on the menu. They kind of freaked out over that.

All of us enjoyed the food and fellowship at pizza night.

Here's a group picture, minus Esther, who was the photographer.

On Sunday we went to their church, Kurume Christ Church.

John greeted the children as we arrived.

So did Susan. All the kids and their parents love the whole family.

This happened to be their farewell party day. The children's ministry presented their family with some love gifts.

After the service a fellowship meal was held in their honor. The homemade Japanese food was delicious.

The pastor and others shared about the impact that John and Susan's family have made in their lives.

Then Susan shared a few words.

John finished up. I was impressed with their Japanese, and I hope that they practice during their furlough. It was evident that their family is loved and making a difference for Jesus in Japan. People like John and Susan make me proud to be part of the missionary force around the word. May God receive all the glory for the work we do in His name.


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