Congratulations to the PIBC Class of 2009!

Every May marks graduation season at PIBC. I was asked to play "Pomp and Circumstance" for the third year in a row. I guess nobody is noticing my sour notes. Here are some more pictures from graduation activities.

At the PIBC Men's Night to honor the male graduates PJ, Keiny, Alvin, and Marcus sang a lovely song in four-part harmony.

Joel cuddled up to his Auntie Melissa.

T'nel shared a meditation from the Word of God. Preach, brother!

The always popular Benny Luke sang a song in his inimitable style.

At the 2009 Baccalaureate service Meluat, Dough and Leeman led the worship time.

PIBC prof Eric mastered the ceremony, which took place on Mother's Day.

The graduates sang a special number accompanied by Sonny.

Another PIBC prof Christel spoke, using the Bible verse from Psalm 100:2, "Serve the Lord with gladness." The PIBC motto is "Building Servant Leaders."

The underclassman also sang a special song.

A highlight of Baccalaureate was the prayer time for the graduating seniors. I was one of the three men asked to pray pubicly for them. That was an honor for me.

Harald asked the male graduates to help serve communion. Here Mamu (Bangladesh) was serving Marisol while Joel looked on.

After Baccalaureate there was a party on campus for everyone. We played games. Joe had to feed me chocolate pudding blindfolded. He disappeared before I could feed him.

On graduation day the parents of the Yapese graduates gave all the graduates a typical ceremonial banner to wear.

The graduates lined up for their entrance.

Valedictorian Sonny addressed the crowd.

The PIBC choir, directed by professor Jim, sang "Song to the Nations."

Former president of Palau, Chief Obaklechol Kuniwo Nakamura, spoke during the commencement ceremony. We were very pleased to have him join us for that special day.

Brad presented the degree candidates. Eight BA graduates and one AA graduate participated in the ceremony.

Congratulations, Joe (Chuuk)!

Congratulations, Mamu (Bangladesh)!

Congratulations, Darwin (Chuuk)!

Congratulations, Lydia (Yap)!

Congratulations, Sonny (Yap)!

Congratulations, Mesikt (Palau)!

Congratulations, Joel (Palau)!

Congratulations, Percia (Yap)!

Congratulations, Lynette (Palau)!

Presenting the 2009 PIBC graduates. Congratulations to all!

Joel and Amelia gave cards and leis to all the graduates. Here you see him with Mamu.

Mamu, Sonny and Kalvin smile with me for the camera.

Emeraech and Mesikt celebrate Mesikt's graduation from PIBC. Both twins are now PIBC grads. Emeraech graduated in 2007 with an AA.

Graduate Mayumi, second from left, received congrats from her friends Miuri, Jayleen, Marjorie, Marsa and Mei Mei.

Graduation exercises were officially over as Joel, Marisol and Amelia headed to the car awash in balloons.


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