Awana Awards

In May we celebrated the end of the Awana year at Bayview with a special awards ceremony.

Joel and Amelia took pictures before the ceremony with their friends Jirah-Lynn and Micah. They will be heading to Palau to live on June 23.

The first group to receive their awards were the Cubbies, the group I work with each Wednesday night. We always have lots of fun with the little ones in this group.

Miss Jan gave Miss Cathy and me an award for learning the Bible verses along with the kids.

Joel received a certificate and a Bible from Miss Michelle for completing his first Sparks book, reviewing all the verses and finishing a second workbook during the year. Way to go, Joelito! He's already looking forward to next year.

Jan also recognized the hard work of our Awana commanders, Miss Lisa and Mr. Ron. Thanks for all you do for us. Jan, too!

Joel joined his friends in singing a jazzy version of "Jesus Loves Me" before we all enjoyed snacks together.


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