Prayer Alert

Classes at Pacific Islands Bible College begin on Monday, January 21, 2008. Please pray for the students as they travel and for the faculty and staff as they make final preparations. Please pray for the six students who graduated in December and are looking for jobs and ministries to be involved in.

Pray for Steve and Anne Stinnette. Steve and Anne left Guam in September for Steve to receive treatment for his eye in Philadelphia. So far the latest contact he was fit with is working well, and they plan to move to Schooley's Mountain, NJ, while they will assist Bill Shuit who has accepted the position of Director of Global Ministries for Liebenzell Mission USA. Please pray for a smooth transition for these men and their wives.

Jens and Karin Schulz need your prayers as well. They are currently in Germany trying to work out some visa difficulties so they can return to Guam to continue their work as Campus Director/Financial Director and Office Manager/Registrar of PIBC. In their absence many of us have taken on additional responsibilities. I will be teaching two courses this semester (English for Academic Purposes 2 and Ministry Introduction), will continue serving as Assistant Dean of Men and I will begin working as Interim Director of Student Affairs. I humbly ask you to pray for me in this new position. Thank you.

Marisol will be taking part two of Freshmen English which will involve reading and reporting on The Chronicles of Narnia. She will also be writing a research paper. Although these assignments will be good experiences for her, it is not easy to balance the responsibilities of mother, homemaker and student.

Joel will be entering kindergarten this September. Please pray as we look at various options for his education (public school, Christian school, home school).

Amelia is cute, but sometimes she struggles with obeying her parents and being kind and gentle to Joel and others. Pray that we have wisdom in dealing with this.

We really appreciate all of your prayers for our family and for the ministry of Liebenzell USA and Pacific Islands Bible College.


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