Miscellaneous Musings

Hello again. I am enjoying reading during this semester break, especially now that grades are ready, as of Monday at noon. This has been the biggest post-semester hurdle ever for me, including my seven years of teaching secondary Spanish. I think the move took its toll in terms of exhaustion. After the move, I was not afforded the luxury of rest and recovery due to my teaching load of three classes. I think Marisol felt the same way with the writing demands of Freshman English.

This past month I finished reading My Life Before God byWilliam Murray, the oldest son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, who did away with prayer and Bible reading in the U.S. public school system. This book read like a cheap thriller with much negative information shared about his mother and left the reader feeling empty because it did not show how his life changed after his conversion to Christianity. Quite a contrast to the other autobiography that I finished: Rebel with a Cause:Finally Comfortable Being Graham byFranklin Graham. Franklin showed how drastically his life changed after he found personal faith, explaining how the pressures of growing up in Billy's shadow became more manageable. Franklin also shares many experiences of his relief work at Samaritan's Purse in war-torn countries.

CurrentlyI am rereading The Chronicles of Narnia, something that I have wanted to do for some time. This time I am looking for specific places where spiritual symbolism can be found, even if C.S. Lewis claims that was not his purpose in writing the books.

When I was grading the curriculum final project for my Youth and Children class, I came across some humorous typographical errors. I assigned this project as a practical help for my students, who are often called upon to serve at their churches during breaks. They needed to plan a series of four lessons either for children or youth with activities and teaching points with their message with application, including how they would introduce their lesson and how they would finish. Overall, I was pleased with their on this assignment and hope that it serves them in the future. One student typed the following heading on one section for all four of his lessons: "Massage with application." That sounds like something I could enjoy after a stressful day of teaching. Another students typed this word before the last paragraph of each lesson: "Concussion." OUCH! I hope she is not planning to conclude by hitting her students over the head with a baseball bat.

After grading more than 20 final projects, it is good to have something to chuckle about. With a spirit of altruism I pass these along to you for your enjoyment. Have a fun day!

We are being hooked up to the internet today. Hopefully we can check in with you all on a more regular basis. We're looking forward to that.



Bill said…
hope your break is revitalizing for both you and Marisol.

best wishes for a satisfactory internet installation experience and future interneting.

Grammalou gave a donation to Franklin's outfit as my Xmas present. Still have some concerns about his anti-muslim comments, though.

oldish (2003 - has he been quiet since then?) link: http://www.slate.com/id/2081432/

here's something more recent (2006): http://mediamatters.org/items/200603160009
Thanks, I admire Franklin's work with people in need, but I agree that he is not always the most diplomatic person. He father was quite outspoken in that way as well. However, they are not in the same "foot in the mouth" category as Falwell and Robertson.
Mac said…
hey Ned and Marisol,
greetings from Yap. I was just checking mail and all and I just dropped by on your blog. I saw the pictures and it made me cry because of all the those times at PIBC and the family I have there. thank you again for everything and please gve Amelia and Joel hugs for me. thanks
Hello Mac!
We cried when you left too. We miss you lots and lots and are praying for you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, especially for this difficult time for you and your family!

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