BIG Boy and BIG girl!

Two nights ago we were eating and Amelia was trying to eat by herself and got food all over herself and the floor. In a moment of frustration I told her, "You still need help eating. You think you're a big girl, but you're not a big girl yet." To which she replied, "No? Okay!" How Marisol and I laughed. Then yesterday we took Joel and Amelia to the doctor for a rash which ended up being impetigo. I think I spelled that correctly. Our doctor, Dr. Perez, asked Joel how old he was, and he answered, "I'm four now." Neither he nor Amelia cried at all. Even Amelia stepped on the scale to be weighed, the first time for her. And on the way home we stopped and had to get a routine blood test for Amelia. To our surprise and delight she did not cry even a little bit. We were so thankful and proud of them that we treated them to Wendy's, although Amelia wanted a hot dog, which they don't serve there. Nonetheless, we bought her some fries to go with the hot dog we prepared at home. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Dr. Perez, a fine Christian doctor, did not charge us for the double patient visit. We feel so blessed and humbled by the PC he wrote on our bill, "professional courtesy." God is so good!!!


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