Here's to Good Friends!
Perhaps you remember the slogan of the retro beer commercial, "Here's to good friends, the night is kinda special. . . ." God has blessed us with so many special friends here at Pacific Islands Bible College. It really feels like home to be back this time. Here are some pictures of some of our Guam friends.
Amelia has really warmed up to people. Here she sings at our staff hymn sing with Brad and Cheryl Boydston. They lend us fun movies like "Shrek."
Joyce Owen is one of the most fun persons I have ever met. Her husband Dave is PIBC's president; she works at a local nursery school. She won over Joel "lickety split" with her fun demeanor.
Micah Nrirachemoi, son of PIBC's Dean of Men, is one of Joel and Amelia's best friends. Amelia calls him "Cai-cah."
Anne Stinnette loves to hold children. Anne is a librarian at a local school and will be leaving Guam at the end of September for her husband Steve to receive a corneal transplant. Steve has been serving as PIBC's campus director, and he will be missed. Looking on is Karin Schulz, office manager for PIBC. Her husband Jens has stepped up as the new campus director. Please pray for him in this new position.
