From Thailand to Guam

The Pacific Islands Bible College missions teams are back. On Thursday evening we special time together as the participants shared what God did among them during their time in Thailand. It ended up being an inspiring night for all of us!

Here the English as a Second Language team (Ethel, Stella, Twinsanne, and Elilai) relates how God used them in the lives of the elementary school students that they taught. After class their teacher desks would be swarmed by children who wanted to get to know them better. This, of course, provided many opportunities to share their testimonies and the gospel message.
The College Evangelism Team (Smileen, Jayleen, Joel and Kalvin) worked alongside the Thai Campus Crusade for Christ staff, building relationships with students on two Thai campuses and using that as a springboard to share the gospel. All of them had exciting experiences to share, and we hope that this enthusiasm for missions can be passed on to the rest of our students when they return in two weeks. Please pray that their joy in serving the Lord is contagious!


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