We survived the LONG trip back to Guam, which began at 1:00 am on Tuesday, August 7, 2007, when we packed the van to take the trip to Philadelphia National Airport. Thanks to Felix Montás for driving and to Carlos Encarnación for the use of his van. Our first flight took off from Philly at 5:30 am to Houston, followed by subsequent flights from Houston to Honolulu and from Honolulu to Guam. Highlights included traveling with our friend and neighbor Melissa Heck; comsuming lots of airline food; and watching in-flight movies, not seen in their entirety, of course, with two young children to look after (
March of the Penguins, Spiderman 3, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and
Pride). We arrived in Guam at 5:35 pm on Wednesday, August 8, 2007.
Joel and Amelia both did very well on the trip and slept a good amount of the way. Thanks for your prayers. We are happy to be back and are taking part in meetings and preparations for the new school year. Now if only we could get our bodies to cooperate in light of the 14 hour time difference.
Within the next couple of days we will be posting a review of our summer activities. Please stay tuned to a blog near you. We would love to hear from you!