Ecuadorian Connection/Conexión ecuatoriana

I remember when I first arrived in Ecuador in 2001, everyone kept talking about a man from Holland named Peter Vaas. He had been a volunteer who helped paint the Bible institute as well as worked on many other projects. Everyone had been impressed with the quality of work and his servant's heart. Little did I know that five years later I would be working with him at Pacific Islands Bible College in Guam. Now Peter has graduated (as valedictorian) with his BA in Biblical Studies. (The BA stands for Bachelor of Arts, not Bad Attitude, for the record! When I graduated from Houghton with my BA in Communications/Spanish, that was the joke!) He will be returning to the Netherlands later this summer to begin a masters program at the prestigious Free University there. His work as the maintenance supervisor will be missed, as will his kindness and humility and his friendship to us all.

Cuando llegué en el Ecuador en 2001, todos hablaban de Peter Vaas, un voluntario de Holanda que había estado un tiempo trabajando con la Misión Liebenzell. El pintó el Centro de Capacitación Bíblica (CCB), entre otras cosas. Ni me imaginaba que un día trabajáramos con él en Pacific Islands Bible College en Guam. Ahora se graduó con las mejores calificaciones y se regresa a Holanda durante el verano para empezar un masterado. Le vamos a extrañar; ha sido un siervo fiel en su trabajo como supervisor de mantenimiento. ¡Dios te bendiga mucho, Peter!


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