Double Impact

Two sets of twins have been studying at PIBC this past year. Next year will have one set less, unless we receive a new set as incoming students. Here Emeraech (right) is celebrating her graduation (Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies) with her mother and twin sister Mesikt, who will return next fall to continue her studies towards a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. Way to go, Emeraech, and God bless your future plans!
The other set of PIBC twins are Twinsanne and Twin Son Sam. Twinsanne represented Micronesia in the 2004 Olympic Games in Sydney, running in the 100M. She brushed shoulders with the likes of Maurice Green and Marion Jones in the Olympic Village. Wow, what an experience! She will be on the ESL team in Thailand this summer. Her brother Twin Son spent lots of time with me in Evangelism class. I really enjoyed getting to know him.


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