Goodbye Guam, Alii Palau!
Here is a recap of the final days of our friends Hiob and Leah and their children Micah and Jireh in Guam. They have returned to Palau where Hiob will serve as senior pastor of the Koror Evangelical Church. We all started together at PIBC back in fall 2006 and we have worked together, laughed together, cried together, prayed together, and grown together. Although it is hard to say goodbye, we know that they will be a blessing to the Church in Palau, and we find comfort in the words of the Michael W. Smith song "Friends": friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them. Amen! We had a BBQ in their honor on campus at the beginning of June before the Thai mission team left. Delight posed with Micah and Hiob during a break from barbecuing. He is a fantastic barbecuer. Notice he's even holding the tongs, to a barbecuer what a hammer is to a carpenter. As always, everyone enjoyed the food, the centerpiece of any Micronesian celebration. Before our friends left,...
thank you for the great picture of Luka. It is her first internet appearance :)... . We made it safely back to Germany and are now living near Heidelberg. We miss Micronesia a lot. Please give our greetings to the PIBC family.
Manuel and family
thank you for the great picture of Luka. It is her first internet appearance :)... . We made it safely back to Germany and are now living near Heidelberg. We miss Micronesia a lot. Please give our greetings to the PIBC family.
Manuel and family