Balloons and More Balloons

Following the graduation ceremony the students presented Joel and Amelia with a whole bunch of balloons. They have enjoyed jumping on them, popping them, hiding in them, and throwing them into the air. Each day we have a few less but still enough to fill up part of our living room. Dorothea and Roland Rauchholz's son Manuel and granddaughter Luka are now on Guam and came to visit us. What a blessing to get to meet them. Luka likes balloons, too. Thank you, PIBC students, for filling our lives with joy. . .and balloons!


Unknown said…
Dear Ned and family,

thank you for the great picture of Luka. It is her first internet appearance :)... . We made it safely back to Germany and are now living near Heidelberg. We miss Micronesia a lot. Please give our greetings to the PIBC family.


Manuel and family
Unknown said…
Dear Ned and family,

thank you for the great picture of Luka. It is her first internet appearance :)... . We made it safely back to Germany and are now living near Heidelberg. We miss Micronesia a lot. Please give our greetings to the PIBC family.


Manuel and family

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