Virtual Sunday School

 We are entering the "twilight zone" of virtual reality, this time, a virtual Sunday School.  For someone as non-tech saavy as I, this has been a virtual head rush.  I have actually had some people ask me for help in Zoom meetings.  That is rather hilarious to me and an indication of God's (and my kids') help.

Last Sunday we started helping with virtual SS at our mother church, Puente de Amor, in Ibarra.  This allows us in Otavalo to offer a kids activity that, with our limited ministry workers, would not have been possible otherwise.  

I was happy to inaugurate the first week's Bible story with the Parable of the Sower and the Seed from Luke 8; I should say that Monsie and I told the first Bible story, to give credit where credit is due.

Jacob and Elias seemed to like the first week's activities, and that is the true test: if the kids enjoy it or not.  Otherwise, they will not return.  Here are some pictures from week one.  Please pray for us in this new endeavor.  As always, thanks for your support.


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