Some Things Back to Normal, others Not

 Little by little some things are resuming here in Ecuador.  Some of our mission's affiliated churches have begun to hold in-person meetings (San Pedro, Chamanal, La Concepción, Río Verde, Atuntaqui); some other locations, such as our church plant in Otavalo, continue online meetings for now.  Please join us in celebrating the gradual "return-to-normal" in some places.

Other activities are taking some more time to return to in-person mode.  One is the Centro de Capacitación Bíblica (Center of Bible Training), our Bible institute which meets Thursday nights from 7:30-8:30.  I am teaching a course on Expository Preaching again and have thirteen people taking the course.  Here I am with some of my students.

We are so glad that we can continue ministry despite the challenges that the covid-19 pandemic has brought.  To God be the Glory!!!


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