A Day in Cotacachi

As mentioned in a prior post, my stint of service in Cotacachi is winding down.  The "Amigos en Cristo" Church now has a full-time national pastor, and we are leaving Ecuador in late June for one year in the USA.

It has been my pleasure to assist in serving the 30-60 needy people who go to breakfast every Thursday at the church in our partnership with Ecuador Project Hope.  In this breakfast fellow volunteer Bruce is serving a extra helping of hot breakfast drink to the people.

Foundation director Micky and Kate chat with one of the ladies after breakfast.

Cotacachi is the capital for leather products in Ecuador.  Here are some pictures of the main street with the fantastic scenery in the background.

I never tire of seeing the blue skies and the mountains.  FANTASTIC!

One of my dear friends and a founder of the church in Cotacachi is Hermana Mercedes.  Her health does not permit her to attend services so much anymore, but it is always a joy when she can.  I visited her in her home today, and we read the Bible together: Psalm 121 and Psalm 63.  What a blessing!


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