51 and Counting

Before April becomes a distant memory, I want to post a few birthday pictures.  I turned 51 on April 4.  Many thanks for all the birthday wishes.  We celebrated with a few friends on April 3 with taco salad, peach pinwheels, veggies and dip and apple cake.  Yum, Yum, YUM!

Sometimes I would love to know what children are thinking.  Here are Noemi and Jacob.

And with Elias too!

On April 5 the ministry team at Cotacachi surprised me with a belated celebration. (Sorry that the pictures are out of order.)

 Back to April 3!  Group picture.

Showing off my high school senior year shirt, which still fits after all these years!  Incredible but true!

April 4 breakfast.  And no, there were not 51 candles on the cake.  I would have hyperventilated!

Gifts from my darling family.

Like Tevye, I could sing "If I Were a Rich Man", and God has made me rich indeed, not materially but emotionally and spiritually!

Now on to 52!


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