Día de Reyes/Three Kings Day

In grand Latin American style we celebrated Three Kings Day on January 6 with the traditional rosca de reyes.

It is the day that tradition says that the kings arrived to worship the boy Jesus, so we sang "We Three Kings" complete with recorder accompaniment provided by Elías. . . .

. . .and Jacob.

Then Morgan and Amelia opened their small gifts to remember the gifts that the kings took to Jesus.

Joel also opened his present.

Elías received a Matchbox car.  So did Jacob (not pictured).

I read the story of the fourth wise man.  Of course, the Bible does not tell us the number.  The number three was arrived at because of the three gifts: gold, frankincense and myrhh.  Nor do we know if they were kings.  The Bible calls them wise men.  But we can join in celebrating the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ.


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