Christmas Eve in Santa Rosa

On the morning of December 24, the children opened their fnal Christmas bag.

This time it was the case for the doctor kit.

Then we made some more Christmas cookies. . .

I carved the turkey. . .

. . .while Elías and Jacob waited patiently.

Abuelito, Amelia and Zoe also waited patiently.

And Joel and Morgan.

The food was well worth waiting for.  Yum!

Elías and Jacob enjoyed the food very much.

Antonito chomped on a turkey bone.

Then the time arrived for opening the gifts.

Cloe in fancy party dress.

"Look at our new cars!!"

Morgan also received some presents on her first Christmas away from PA.

Joel modeled his new shirt while Cloe looked on.

It is always great fun to spend Christmas with Marisol's family.


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