Remembering Pearl Harbor

Yesterday was the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On our way to PA from Guam in July 2010 we visited Pearl Harbor and learned that it truly was a "day of infamy." Here are some pictures from our trip, starting with our tour of the USS Arizona Memorial.

The memorial sits upon the actual sunken ship. Here Joel and Amelia observe part of the Arizona that rises above the waters of the harbor.

Here are the names of those who lost their lives on the USS Arizona.

The memorial is somber, yet stirring.

The original anchor from the USS Arizona, cast in CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, not far from where I grew up in Birdsboro, PA!

We also took a tour of the USS Bowfin, one of the submarines used during World War 2.

This is the memorial to the 429 men who gave their lives on the USS Oklahoma.

Our little sailors in the Mighty Mo (USS Missouri) Gift shop.

We ate lunch at the Pearl Canteen.

The USS Missouri was one of the first battleships commissioned following the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was also the ship where the Japanese surrender to General Douglas MacArthur took place in August 1945.

Joel and Amelia relaxed in the sailors' sleeping quarters.

On this spot the surrender documents were signed by the USA and Japan.

In the background the memorials to the USS Arizona and other ships can be seen in the harbor.

May we never forget the events of December 7, 1941!


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