December Happenings 1

On Christmas Day the children sang "Go Tell it on the Mountain" during the service. Can you spot Joel and Amelia?

The Impact team from Germany presented a play about Jesus, the Light of the World.

They put much time and effort into their presentation.

At the end of the drama we held a candle lighting ceremony. It was a bit scary to see the children under five holding candles without supervision, but thankfully there were no incidences.

At lunch we sang "Happy Birthday to Jesus" before we ate the applesauce cake.

Marisol helped to get the fire ready with her hairdryer. How the sparks flew!

I was the cook. It took me more time to light the charcoal than it did to cook the food.

We made corn, chicken hot dogs and chicken marinated in fresh pineapple juice. YUMMY!

Then we eat the fruit of our hard work, enjoying every bite!


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