PIBC at National Prayer Luncheon

On Thursday a group of 13 PIBC students sang at the National Prayer Luncheon on Andersen Air Force Base. Kalvin and I organized the students, and as always, they did a wonderful job.

Leeman played the guitar and P.J. the keyboard to accompany us as we sang "How Great Thou Art" and "God is so Good" in English, Palauan, Chuukese, Yapese and Marshallese. We had students from each island group represented.
The Lieutenant Governor of Guam, Dr. Mike Cruz, spoke at the luncheon. He shared a personal story about a Palauan mother who prayed for her son after he was shot. She wanted to tell him that God loved him, and God honored her prayer. A very inspirational story from an engaging speaker.
Special thanks to all the students (Alicia, Benny, Chelsea, Elilai, Keiny, Leeman, Lydia, Miury, Molly, Maybellene, T'nel, P.J., Sonny) and Kalvin for participating in this presentation. To God be the glory!


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