USS Frank Cable Welcomes PIBC

Last Monday my Ministry Introduction class received a special blessing: a tour with the chaplain of the USS Frank Cable. This was by far the favorite of our seven field trips this semester.

We began our tour at the naval base chapel where Chaplain Sherri explained how the chaplain needs to reach out to men and women of all faith groups.

Then we headed to the port for the tour of the ship where the chaplain gave us a quick orientation before we boarded the ship for our tour. As you can see, Joel joined us for this special activity, and he loved it, especially going up and down the ladders in the ship.
Joel proudly posed while holding the "wheel" of the ship.
The class posed with chaplain Sherri and her assistant Jeff before we jumped in the van for our return to PIBC. We are grateful to the chaplain and her staff for this unique opportunity.


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