Happy Third Birthday, Amelia!

On December 19 we all had a good time helping Amelia celebrate her third birthday.

Joel helped Amelia blow out her candles.
Of course, we considered it a blessing to have Grandma and Grandpa with us on this special occasion.

Amelia adored the apron that Grandma sewed for her.

A few friends joined us for a small party in the afternoon. Here the guest watch Amelia open her presents.

She immediately wanted to model her new jewelry.

Roxanne, Joel and Micah helped us sing "Happy Birthday to You."

After the cake we all went outside to play.

Marisol posed with two of her best friends, Carmen and Melissa.

Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed chatting with Wanda, Hiob, and Betty. Wanda is a retired Liebenzell missionary putting the finishing touches on her autobiography, Hiob is my colleague and Dean of Men at PIBC, and Betty is coordinating the translation of the Bible in Nukuoro (Ponpei). They are all dear friends who serve the Lord in different capacities.


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