Sing, Sing a Song

Even during the summer we manage to keep our musically talented students busy. Here's a recap:

Two weeks ago a group of 17 students participated in the final program of Blessing Guam, an event designed to draw the churches together and encourage each other in their goal of reaching a diverse population (Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Chuukese, Yapese, Palauan, American, etc.) for the Lord. It was an encouragement to all of us that we are not alone in this great task!

On Sunday we sang at a YWAM-sponsored mission event at which Kalvin shared about his six weeks this summer in Thailand with the PIBC team. They worked with Campus Crusade for Christ national workers. Elilai from our Palau team spoke about our experiences there. I introduced the students at both events. I guess my Communication degree from Houghton College serves me well after all.
Special thanks to Dave and Joyce Owen for the photos!


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