¡Bienvenida, Zoe Victoria!

Nuestra sobrina en Ecuador nació el 9 de agosto. Se llama Zoe Victoria Bedoya y sus padres orgullosos son Wilo y Gisela. Muchas felicitaciones.

Our niece in Ecuador was born on August 9. Her name is Zoe Victoria Bedoya, and her proud parents are Wilo and Gisela. Congratulations to all!
Gracias a Diego y Mercedes por la foto. Thanks to Diego and Mercedes for the picture.


Elizabeth said…
Congratulations on your new niece ... she is beautiful! Nice to read your update posts. Having the same, er, uneasiness about China and the Olympics. Hope school gets off to a great start ... for everyone!
Thanks, Elizabeth. We are so happy for them. My in-laws are thrilled to have a grandchild near them again. Cheers!

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