Ministry Introduction Observations
For the past two semester I have been teaching a new course called Ministry Introduction. The students and I spend the first four weeks in the classroom learning about ministry, but the bulk of the class is comprised of different field trips to observe different ministries. The idea is to broaden the students' concept of ministry to include activities outside of traditional church ministry. Our trips this semester will include the U.S. Naval Base to interview a Navy Chaplain and a Midweek Chapel Service at the Guam Correctional Institution. The picture below come from a trip to AWANA last Wednesday night.
In this picture Joel's AWANA teacher, Miss Jan, is giving instructions to my student Gloria during the opening ceremony.
This group of students is taking notes that will help them write their observation report. Each time they have a week to write their write and post it online. For those of you who know how challenged I am on the computer, I am proud to report that I am utilizing the PIBC online component for both of my classes this semester. I am learning a new skill as are my students. Double hurray!