Happy Easter!

Last weekend we celebrated PIBC Days here at Pacific Islands Bible College. For one of the evening programs our friend Stella made this lovely decoration from coconut tree leaves. This is how the churches in Yap, where Stella is from, decorate for special occasions. When Ned was in Yap in December 2006 he saw the beautiful decorations in the churches. We have it hanging on one of our trees outside.

Joel has been learning many Bible verses in his Awana club. To us as parents that is the main attraction of Awana. We would like to share two of these verses as our Easter greeting to you:

"Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Timothy 1:15

"He is not here; He has risen." Luke 24:6

May this be a time when you reflect on God's great love for you through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.

Happy Resurrection Day! Feliz Día de Resurrección.


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