Everyone likes good news.  Ned's Bible Institute class on the Occult is going well.  He and his almost 30 students meet every Thursday evening from 7:30-8:30 pm through Zoom.  Last week we had a special guest: Marcia Montenegro, founder of Christian Answers for the New Age (CANA).  Marcia was a professional astrologer for over 8 years before becoming a Christian.  She shared her testimony with the class, relating how a Christian man and his church were praying for her for a year before Marcia gave her life to Christ.  Now she works with people who struggle with some of the same questions and situations that she was involved in prior to coming to faith.  Marcia took time to answer the students questions for a good hour.  We appreciate her time and expertise.  Please pray that God would use her in her many online interactions with people seeking the truth.

More GOOD NEWS to come in the coming days.  Thanks for your patience and interest in what we are doing in Ecuador.  GOD BLESS YOU ALL!


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