Virtual VBS

For our family it was an honor to serve as secret agents (helpers) in the first ever Puente de Amor Church virtual VBS from August 25-28, 2020.  We share some pictures with you.

Each afternoon we "met" for prayer before beginning VBS.

Daniela and Edison served as the hosts of VBS each day.


Sofía, the wife of Marisol's cousin Josué, directed all the VBS activities.

The continuing adventures of Secret Agent Tri (for Trinity) and his agent-in-training Berny kept all of us coming back for more.

Marisol and Ned, Joel and Amelia all led virtual small groups to teach the Bible verse and the craft.  It was great to connect with the participants!

Mary Magdalene even told the Bible story one afternoon.

Doing games on ZOOM is NOT a limitation.  The sky's the limit!!!

One day the craft involved "invisible ink" on paper.  The secret is using lemon juice and drying the paper in the sun, not a problem here in Ecuador as we are located on the Equator.

Marisol's cousin Carolina taught the Bible lesson the day that the theme was "Jesus' presence transforms my decision."

Dayana, from our church in Otavalo, shared the service project each day.  We wanted the kids to understand that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."

Secret Agent Amelia was a BIG help in VBS.

So was Secret Agent Joel.  We are so pleased that our family could be a part of this exciting ministry to over 60 kids each day.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!  He is worthy of our praise!


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