Remembering Liebenzell Ecuador Retreat 2019

Tomorrow we head to Lita for our annual Liebenzell retreat.  This year, due to social distancing, it is impossible for the entire team to attend.

We always enjoy ourselves, swimming in the Lita River.

Last year we had a game night.  I won for our team by singing "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" in Japanese, judged by Anette Jarsetz, missionary kid from Japan.

Table games are always a hit at the retreat, too, for Joel and Amelia.

Elias, Amelia, Joel and Jacob liked spending time with Yuki Jarsetz, visiting with his parents from Germany.

ALWAYS lots of food!

Here are the Farnsworths with the Jarsetz Family.  We met Dave and Anette during their first Impact team to Micronesia in 2008.  We worked with them for a month in Palau.  It was so nice to see them again after eleven years.

Family time with cousins Carolina and Paty and Marisol's sister Negui.

Trampoline time with the other missionary kids.

No activity in Latin America is complete without a game of FÚTBOL.


Steeven and his wife Mariby directed the children's activities.

You probably guessed that they studied Noah's Ark!!!

Here we all are.  One final picture before saying "Adiós" to the Liebenzell Ecuador Retreat 2019.

Stay tuned for pictures from Retreat 2020!!!  Coming soon to a blog near you!!!


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