Remembering GO ENGLISH CAMP 2018

As we make the final preparations for GO ENGLISH CAMP 2020, we remember our dear friends from the first camp two years ago at "Zona de Vida" Church in Otavalo, Ecuador.  Pictured are mission team members en route from the USA Marybeth, Faye, Devon, Mesías, John, Evan and Mike.

What a joy beyond measure it was to greet them at the airport, along with Maribel and Manuel, who had arrived to Ecuador earlier.

We always enjoyed the fellowship around the table.

The team ate breakfast and dinner at our house each day.

Marybeth and all the team members blended right in with the participants of the English camp.

Joel and Amelia helped with the song leading.

Liebenzell team leader Rainer brought a group of friends from Valle de Chota to bring joy to a birthday celebration.

 We also had a visit from Elisha, Naaman and friends.

They presented the Bible story from 2 Kings 5 one morning.

Here are Marybeth and friends at the entrance to the church. 

As you can see, Marybeth and Maribel were quite a hit with the kids.

It was not "all work and no play."  We took some excursions with the group from USA, including a hike to Peguche waterfall.

We took them on a tour of the Liebenzell Mission Ecuador headquarters in Ibarra.

Maribel, Mike, Marybeth and Manuel worked with the older group.

Another outing took us to the volcanic lagoon Cuicocha.

Here is a picture of the closing ceremony with all the helpers and participants.

The group members were good sports.  They rode in the back of a truck to a ministry with the Quichua people.

Here is a final picture of the group with the members of "Zona de Vida" Church in Otavalo.  Although the group is "gone" from our physical presence at the moment, "they are not forgotten."  We give thanks to God for their selfless service to the Lord.


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