Day 4 already?!? It was not as technically smooth as Day 3. I may have to retire from ZOOM after this English camp. HAHA! Here are some picture highlights. Michelle started us off by reviewing the parts of the body. She is an incredible English teacher. We may have to hire her full-time!!!! Manuel and Maribel shared the parable of the tenant farmers from Mark 12 and included a clear presentation of the gospel for children. Kary shared part four of 1 John 4:10. Then we learned the farm animals with Michelle. She even told us about the stinky pigs!!!! We had such a delightful time with the 60+ children today. Day 4 closed with prayer. In our afternoon teachers meeting we prayed for tomorrow, the final day. Would you please join us in praying for God to work in all of our hearts tomorrow? Thank you, dear prayer warriors!