Quarantine Musings

Greetings all!  The quarantine has lasted over two months already.  How much longer can one survive the isolation?  But the unexpected family time has been a blessing.  It has been wonderful to have extra time with my wife and children.  Having time to read, garden, and do things that I usually don't has also been good.

One of the books that I have been reading is Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank.  In comparison to Anne's, our quarantine has been a walk in the park.

In April we needed to let the lease lapse on the church building of our church plant in Otavalo, Ecuador.  We have not had income since our meetings and offering ceased on March 8, and unfortunately rent is not something that we can afford at this time.  The government restrictions on red status do not allow for public meetings.  Thankfully our curfew recently changed from 2 pm-5 am to 6 pm-5 am, and we can now drive two days a week instead of one.  Once our status turns to yellow, church meetings of up to 15 minutes are permitted (whoopee!), but children and seniors cannot attend, and there is no Sunday public transportation for people to use.  At 55 I can work only from home, so I would not be able to preach.  The current word is that yellow status will last from 2-3 months, so we do not have too much hope of meeting face to face until January 2021.  We will need to look for a new place to meet.

Schools are in a similar situation about holding regular classes.  We need to make education decisions for our son and daughter soon as it appears that online classes will continue when classes resume in September after summer break.  Our twin boys will keep on with home school, starting third grade in the fall.  Where has the time flown?

Please keep those prayers coming!  Thank you!  Ned


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