Play Practice for Christmas Cantata

We are hard at work for the Christmas play that goes between the choir number in our cantata Felices Fiestas.  Amelia is one of the participants; she plays Paty and Christian's daughter Lea.

Andrea, Emilia and Diego are the other actors in the drama.

As the date for the first presentation nears, we moved into the church sanctuary to practice.  Currently we are finalizing all the details for the publicity, permits, sound, lights, costumes, etc.  Please pray for the following presentations:

IGLESIA "PUENTE DE AMOR", Ibarra, Sunday, December 13, at 8 and 11 AM.
TEATRO GRAN COLOMBIA, Ibarra, Fridady, December 18, at 8 PM.
IGLESIA "AMIGOS EN CRISTO," Cotacachi, Sunday, December 20, at 8:30 AM.
IGLESIA "EMANUEL", Atuntaqui, Sunday, December 27, at 9:30 PM.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.


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