Amelia Farnsworth, Guitarist

During the summer Amelia took guitar lessons at the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana here in Ibarra.  You can see some of the artwork on display at the cultural center.  Here is a painting based on the earthquake in Ibarra in 1868.  It is explained below in Spanish.

This is a statue of Pedro Moncayo, educator and Ibarra native.  El Parque Pedro Moncayo in the historical district is named after him.

Here is a bust of Teodoro Gómez, another ibarreño and educator.  One of the high schools here in Ibarra is named after him.

Amelia had a good relationship with her guitar teacher, Daniel.  She took classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to noon.

The different music classes held a closing program that Amelia participated in.

Jacob attended, but did not want his picture taken.

Elías was more cooperative.

Then he changed his mind.

The director of the Ibarra chapter of the Casa de la Cultura made opening remarks.

Amelia's group played two songs: "El aguacate" and "Yo tengo un amigo que me ama".  Amelia had suggested the secon (Christian) song.

Here are Daniel and Amelia after she received her certificate.

A violin group played,

and a choir sang.  We thought that Amelia's group presented the best performance.  However, we may not be too objective!


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