New Years Eve 2014 and New Years Day 2015

Sorry to be so slow in posting these pictures.  I had them marked as a draft.  Many people in Ecuador wear masks and go out and about on New Year's Eve.  We attended a party at the Liebenzell church in Ibarra.  This is Elias.

And here is Jacob with Marisol's mom and dad in background.

Then there were sparklers and a fiew outside.
Joel with sparkler in his hand and Josué (Marisol's cousin), Edison (church friend), and Paty (Marisol's cousin).
We spent New Year's Day with the parents of Catalina, an Ecuadorian woman that we met in PA.  They live in Ambato, Ecuador.

We took them to the hot springs in Chachimbiro, 40 minutes from our house.

Elias and Jacob enjoy a quiet moment together.

After the pool we enjoyed an ice cream treat,

followed by a stopover at the scenic lookout of San Miguel de Ibarra, which provides an incredible view of Ibarra.

We had a nice time with our visitors.


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