Christmas Program in Santa Rosa

Last Sunday we participated in an afternoon program in Santa Rosa for senior citizen.  Joel helped to serve the food.

Marisol served the sodas.

The people enjoyed the food very much.

Amelia, Joel and I performed a short skit about the true meaning of Christmas.

Is it decorating the Christmas tree?

Is it the party with the "vaca loca" (crazy cow) popular at Christmas time in Santa Rosa?

Is it Santa Claus bringing toys to all good boys and girls?

Joel read to all of us the true meaning of Christmas from the Bible.

A relationship with Jesus Christ!

After our skit the young people from the church in Ibarra presented a skit called "The Happiness Robber."

Paty's happiness consisted in her pet guinea pig.

Dylan's happiness consisted in his musical stuffed toy.

The Happiness Robber ("El ladrón de la felicidad") tried to steal Caro's happiness, but he couldn't.

Her happiness is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.


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